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Our Partners

Interfaith Rotation Winter Shelter

December 20, 2016

The Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter of Davis (IRWS) is a community based-effort enabling member congregations to provide cold-weather shelter and hospitality on a rotating basis to persons who are homeless in the Davis community.

The spirit of the program is to provide a bridge between those with shelter and those without. We want to provide shelter in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense of the word. To do so, we aim to serve, not to help nor fix. Helping implies that we put ourselves above the person receiving the help, and fixing implies the other person is broken. Instead, we strive to see the wholeness in the other person, to trust and to collaborate with that wholeness.

Davis Pathways to Employment

June 22, 2016

Pathways to Employment is a collaboration with the City of Davis, Sutter Health Foundation, Davis Community Meals and Housing, the Davis business community, and the community at large to provide employment skills and job opportunities to people in Davis experiencing homelessness.

The program seeks to build self-esteem, enhance work ethic, strengthen community relationships, and assist in the overall goal of self-sufficiency. Participants will also be matched with other programs in the region to further these ends. The program was launched in April 2017.

Davis Community Meals and Housing

November 11, 2017

The purpose of Davis Community Meals and Housing is to provide low-income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food, and human services to help them rebuild their lives.

Davis Community Meals and Housing (DCMH) opened its doors in 1990 as a non-profit, non-denominational volunteer organization serving a free weekly meal to people in and around Davis who were homeless or without financial resources.


We've expanded in Feb. 2015 to street outreach program to those individuals and families who did not traditionally seek out services.  Nov. 2015 DCMH and partners, Neighborhood Partners and the John Stewart Company, were awarded contract for Creekside Permanent Supportive Housing, 90 units of permanent supportive housing with 44 units for chronically homeless individuals with special needs. In December 2015, DCMH began overnight staffing to the Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter of Davis.  In February 2016, DCMH along with partners Yolo County Housing, Yolo Community Care Continuum, the county of Yolo and the City of Davis, collaborated to open New Pathways, bridge housing to chronically homeless individuals.  In February 2017, DCMH worked with an advisory board to oversee a jobs program for individuals living homeless - Pathways to Employment.

City of Davis

November 11, 2017

Through work with local non-profit agencies, the City of Davis plays an active role in addressing the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness, or are at risk of homelessness. The city provides limited direct assistance for homelessness services; for specific shelter and service information please call the agencies directly, or contact the County by calling 2-1-1 or visiting 2-1-1 Yolo.

Davis Pathways is a collaboration among the City of Davis, Yolo County, the Housing Authority of the County of Yolo, Davis Community Meals, and Yolo Community Care Continuum to provide permanent supported housing to individuals living homeless.  In December 2016 Sutter Health awarded the City of Davis a matching grant of $232,990 to expand existing services.  The range of services now include outreach, assessment, and case management, bridge housing, bridge rental assistance, and a jobs training program. Learn more about Davis Pathways.

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